Spettro shows a scrolling spectrogram of music as it plays
Most spectrographic music players have a linear frequency axis, which dedicates
the top half of the display to the top octave (11025Hz-22050Hz at CD quality),
the next quarter of the screen to the penultimate octave and so on,
leaving all the musically interesting information crushed into the
bottom few rows of the graphic.

Linear frequency axis
Logarithmic frequency axis
Spettro has a logarithmic frequency axis, which allocates the
same amount of space to each octave.
It can play most audio files (WAV, OGG, FLAC, MP3, M4A and even the
soundtrack of videos) and shows a scrolling spectrogram of it with a
vertical green one-pixel-wide line half way across the window
to show the current playing position.
You can also:
- Pause, continue, rewind and seek back and forth in the audio
- Zoom in and out in time and in frequency
- Adjust the brightness and dynamic range (contrast)
- Change the FFT sample size to adjust the relative frequency/time resolution
- Select from five different FFT window functions
- Show where the ten score lines, six guitar strings or 88 piano keys fall
- Position bar lines to help determine the rhythm
- Add frequency and time axes
- Increase the playing volume above 100%
- Dump the current view to a PNG image file

spettro showing the start of Wish You Were Here, with all the axes turned on.
Had you ever noticed the rising and falling sine wave you can see at the top?
There is a screencast of it
on YouTube
It is known to run on GNU/Linux and should be portable to
Windows, Mac, Android, iOS and Tizen.
Or, for the latest development version,
git clone https://codeberg.org/martinwguy/spettro
cd spettro
sh autogen.sh
sudo make install
There are packages for Debian and Ubuntu under
and spettro is included in the "unstable" repository of
Planned features and improvements are listed in
known bugs in
Thanks to Thomas Orgis and Christian Marillat for suggestions and to
Bogdan Marinescu, Ian Utting and Craig Leinoff for testing release candidates.
Why "spettro"?
"spettro" is the first part of the Italian word for a spectrogram and means "spectre".
Martin Guy , December 2016 - September 2024.